Monday, May 7, 2012

What I've realized

Well, it's been such a long time since I last posted. I had an idea of what I wanted for this blog but I haven't been able to fulfill it.
School just makes me way too busy to blog. I have had my blogging heights during summer and winter breaks. I do still get random spurs of post ideas whilst in school, but I rarely have time to perfect it into a great post with pictures and everything.
I always say I'm sorry for the long absence, which I am, but I don't want to force you to constantly read apologies.
Because of these problems I have decided to stop starting my blog posts with apologies. I've also decided to write more posts even if they aren't perfected yet. I have so many drafts of unfulfilled ideas for posts that I no longer have the inspiration to continue. I know that if I would have just posted them, I would have gone back and edited them completely. I recently got a smartphone (finally, after all the free after rebate brick phones before this). I got the blogger app and will be able to write posts from anywhere and whenever inspiration strikes.
So, with this school year ending, expect more posts. Don't expect them to be perfect though because I'll probably be posting from my phone (which I am now) and I don't believe I can add photos with this app. Unless anyone can tell me otherwise?
I may even be inspired to finish writing those drafts, so watch out for those old posts.
Well thank you for reading through the long amount of texts! You're super awesome!!!

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Thank you for your comment! I am looking forward to reading it! :]