Saturday, November 24, 2012

Currently Watching: The Walking Dead/Doctor Who

My oh my, who is full? I hope you had a great Thanksgiving or Thursday. I am actually hungry right now.
Anyways, with my Friday off of school and no plans for Black Friday shopping, I decided to catch up on a lot of watching.  All while working on an essay (side note: why is it that when breaks roll around, teachers assume you have all the free time in the world now and assign more work?) I have actually been watching a lot since last I posted my Currently Watching page, but today Friday was just The Walking Dead and Doctor Who.
Well here's the update:
  • Doctor Who
    • Specials  Finally watched Planet of the Dead
    • Series 5   added 10,11,12,13 meaning 13/13!
    • Series 6   14/14
    • Series 7     1,2, half of 3, and 5 --> Angels Take Manhattan was actually my first episode >.<
  • Gossip Girl
    • Season 5 added 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 meaning 24/24!
    • Season 6  1,2,3
  • The Walking Dead
    • Season 2 Rewatched half, then watched the last 3 episodes where I had left off, so 13/13!
    • Season 3 Skipped the first 2 episodes because they weren't on demand, so 3,4,5,6
      All caught up! I will watch those first 2 eventually...
  • Doctor Who
    • It is a really good series. I am somehow still not loving the 11th Doctor. The episodes with him seem a lot darker and I think I'm too scared maybe. I thought I'd get used to him like I did the 10th, but it still hasn't sunk in. I know they say that you never forget your first Doctor and although my first episode was with the 11th, I still consider the 9th my first. I miss him. His time was too short. 13 episodes is simply not enough. I did really really really enjoy the 10th Doctor though. The 10th Doctor was like the face of Doctor Who for me because of Tumblr though. I miss him a lot too. 
  • Glee
    • I am hearing awesome things about the latest episode. I need to catch up. But... sadly I'm getting kind of bored.
  • Gossip Girl
    • I really am getting quite bored, but I want to finish what I started. Haha. I started watching my first semester of college. I wonder if I will stop when I graduate.... Very soon, very soon... I hope it doesn't continue after I graduate. Is that bad of me?
  • The Walking Dead
    • Super want to watch the 1st two episodes of season 3!!! I spoiled everything for myself by reading, but it's fine because I still get surprised >.< Why am I like that?
I may start Sherlock very soon...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Because today is the 4th Thursday in November, I would like to wish all of you wonderful bloggers and blog readers a Happy Thanksgiving! If you do not celebrate Thanksgiving, well then a Happy Thursday to you!

Being thankful is always a good thing to be though, not just certain days in a year.

I don't mean to tell anyone how to live their life. I just wanted to have a space to write down my feelings, so I thank you for that!

I just want to remind myself here that I have so much to be thankful for. I have a loving family, good friends, and love in my life. I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and a soon to come Thanksgiving feast!
Life is precious and that is why our time on earth is precious, so I should be thankful each day I wake up and spend my days living life with love.

Happy life to you all!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New Page: Currently Watching

With break here, I have time to catch up on television series. I have just put up a new page to help me keep track of where I am in my favorite series. I will just be periodically updating it whenever I watch more episodes. It is really just there to help me keep track, but you are welcome to take a look and comment with your own favorite television shows or comments on the episodes themselves!

Here's the link:
or you can look on the sidebar, under 'Pages' :]

Friday, November 16, 2012

I am a horrible blogger

I know, I know, I keep apologizing for my lack of posting, and saying that I will post more and that I will stop apologizing. There is just so little time! Honestly, I am barely on the computer. I still have no idea what type of blogger I am, nor where my blog is going. I am going to try my very hardest to get back on blogging. I am currently home for the Thanksgiving holiday and have a bit more time on my hands.

I leave you with a silly bad quality webcam picture of the boyfriend and me :]