Friday, July 16, 2010

Sewing a Lolita Dress!

Okay, so I haven't actually sewn one yet...
I'm kinda too scared to make a skirt without an elastic band. I'd be completely utterly sad if I put in all the hard work, only for it not to fit. I decided to practice first by working with fabric scrapes. I obviously couldn't make a full sized lolita dress with small pieces of fabric, so I made a tiny version. I've always read that the simplest way to make a JSK or Dress is to make a rectangle skirt and connect it to a bodice of your choice. I just wanted to see how pieces fit together, so I hand-gathered a tiny rectangle into a skirt and made a tiny tube to be a pretend bodice. I wanted to make straps, but it was way too tiny for me to turn inside out.
Without further a-do, here's my creation:

Yes, it is tiny and looks like the 4th of July. I almost want to say I took inspiration from AP's Frill Marine, but I didn't. It does make me think of it though.

What I learned:
Always think before you sew, so you don't end up taking out the seam ripper.
Always remember seam allowance.
Then, there's also a bit of zipper allowance.
But never put too much allowance! You don't want to end up with something too big!

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