Monday, July 30, 2012

Hello Kitty at Yogurtland with Outfit Post-ish

Last year, my sister, her bf, and I went to yogurtland upon my request. I kind of collect those cute, colorful yogurt spoons (I'll show you all my collection sometime). They were having a Hello Kitty collaboration and I just had to have some Hello Kitty spoons!

My unattractive yogurt... Somewhat melted, but very chocolate-y!

I love these yogurtland collabs because I can always get a cute character spoon out of it. I loved the Tokidoki collabs too. The cups always get a cute new look too. It never fails to keep me entertained.

Just look at how cute the characters are on the cup!

The shop kind of gets a makeover too. Here's the entrance door.

I suppose this could also be my outfit post for July 23, 2011. With my lovely sister :]
I'm just wearing my favorite pair of dark wash jeans, Mossimo v-neck, and a yellow/white stripes crop cardi from Wet Seal. For my accessories, I have on an owl necklace I borrowed from my sister (it's probably from Forever 21), a bracelet I borrowed from my mom (no idea where it's from), and a transforming backpack/messenger bag from Forever 21 (that's hidden behind me). I can't stop using it, everyone should have a transforming bag. It makes life so much easier when my one shoulder gets tired. It's perfect for students because it's big enough for notebooks.

The collab is happening again this year. Here's the info about it on the Hello Kitty Official Blog. New spoons will feature Hello Kitty, Tuxedosam, Little Twin Stars, and Badtz-maru.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Giveaway: Field of Tulips

Field of Tulips is having an awesome giveaway. It's her first one! Check out her giveaway here.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Outfit Post: Playing at the Beach

So, I found a ton of old pictures from times when I stopped blogging. Since I have no new pictures, I shall be uploading many of my old ones. This was when my family attended a baby shower at a park somewhere in or near San Francisco. I am not quite sure what this place is. I actually have a bunch of pictures of my mom, sister, and I running around taking jumping pictures and being silly here. Hence, my hair is a mess!

These are from June 23, 2011. Over a year ago!
Anyways, this is just a simple outfit with pretty much basic pieces. The jeans are Old Navy and the boots are Jessica Simpson from Macy's. I actually don't have that blue long-sleeve anymore because I just never much liked wearing it. I don't even remember what the brand is. I wear those boots all the time though!

Yea... we took a lot of silly pictures that day.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DIY: Pin Trading Case

Brownie Points for whoever can guess where my shirt is from!

Remember my recent blogging absence? Yes? I went to Disneyland! This trip, I wanted a nice case for my pin trading. Instead of buying one, I decided to make my own! This was result! Finished and taken the night before I left for So-Cal. 

I learned about Disney Pin Trading my last trip (before this one) and I am hooked! If you don't know about it, let me explain a bit. Disney sells special pins that can be traded in Disney parks. Most people wear them on lanyards around their necks. Disney park visitors can trade their pins with Disney cast members who hold pins. You just have to keep a look out for the Disney cast member's lanyards. I think that less cast members have lanyards in the summer because it's their busy season. I think it's so that they can keep an eye out better. That is only what I think though. You can also trade with other park guests, but both parties must be in agreement. Trading with cast members is much easier because you can take any pin you want from them and give them any pin you want.

So, here's how I made it. 
Equipment needed: 
  • Empty and Cute CD case.
  • Strap
  • Felt
  • Sewing Needle/Thread
  • Duck Tape
  • Scissors 

1. First cut out a piece of felt big enough to cover one CD slip
See, the felt is folded over the CD Slip
2. Get a piece of dick tape to stick the felt onto the CD slip (on the part nearest to the binding)

3. Sew the sides shut so that the CD slip is no longer showing

4. Continue Steps 1 through 3 on each CD slip. Be careful not to overfill the CD Case as there still needs to be some room for pins. Make sure you can still zip closed the case with the felt covered slips. You may want to leave uncovered slips or to cut them out so that it is not over filled.
For reference, my case originally had 12 slips which I could cover, but I only covered 6 because it became so full.

5. Now you sew on the strap. If your case is made out of a different material you may need to hot glue it in or possibly fabric glue.

6. And finally, you can add your beautiful pins!

I love Cameos and I still want to collect more of this set! According to the back, there are 2 more!

 Belle is my favorite Disney Princess

These are my favorite! They're from the Disney Cruise Line, but I collected them from trading! One day I'll go on a Disney Cruise though!

 7. (Optional) Make a pocket and sew or glue it onto the front inside cover of the case. You can use it to hold extra pin backings or whatever else you want. Let me know if you want instructions on how to make a pocket! You could even decorate the outside of the case if you want! I wanted to add a big bow, but I did not have time before leaving!

If you do not collect pins, you may want it for other uses. If you have brooches, buttons, or other types of pins you can place them in there. I can't think of any more, do you have any ideas?

Monday, July 9, 2012

Outfit Post: Yellow for the Clouds

June 26, 2012
Dress: Forever 21
Blouse: H&M
Hat: H&M
Belt: Forever 21
Stockings: Forever 21
Boots: Target

I went to San Francisco to celebrate my boyfriend's Birthday. It was a pretty late celebration though. We walked around Japantown and  had dinner at Pier 39. The day started out pretty nice and sunny, but the clouds rolled in. We ended up eating at Neptune's Waterfront Grill & Bar. They gave us a seat by the window and it had an amazing view! The restaurant had very dim lighting, so we had to use flash and the pictures didn't turn out that great, but here's what we ate.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Closet Cleaning

So, it's been a while. I did say I would be gone for a week and a half for my so-cal trip, but I totally hadn't accounted for my closet cleaning. I dis have that planned for after my trip, so I should have known. I have been back reading your wonderful blogs, but had yet to make a post. I haven't prepared a Disneyland post yet, but here's what's been happening with my closet cleaning.

So, it's my family's walk in closet and I have my own little section in it. First we had to take everything out and organize it to see what we're keeping and what were throwing out. Then it turned out that we had some mildew on the walls behind where we had placed drawers. Those ended up blocking the ventilation. Also, since they were the walls sharing the exterior side they were always colder and encouraged moisture. We used a bleech/water solution to clean it off. It wasn't too hard actually. We wore gloves and masks to protect ourselves and made sure there was plenty of ventilation. After completely removing the mildew and letting it dry completely, we decided to paint it Ultra-Pure White. We also made sure to use a mildew resistant paint. So here's how it turned out!
Taken using iPhone
There's the before picture of the corner with some little spots if you can see them (I may have brightened the picture too much, sorry) and the after is just so much brighter! And my sister's bear has also returned to that top shelf. I didn't wear gloves for the painting process, so I got paint all over my hands. That picture is when I already removed the paint from my hands and the rest was still stuck on my nails.
So, after letting the paint dry for 24 hours, we began returning our clothes into the closet. I was trying to decide how to organize the clothes in my section and am deciding between two options.
The first is by type (skirts, cardigans, dresses, blouses, etc.) and color within type.

By Type/Color
The second is purely by color.
By Color

Haha, somehow the one by color looks much more organized. I also kind of took a better picture of the second one.
Anyways, which way do you think looks best? How do you organize your clothes?