Tuesday, July 17, 2012

DIY: Pin Trading Case

Brownie Points for whoever can guess where my shirt is from!

Remember my recent blogging absence? Yes? I went to Disneyland! This trip, I wanted a nice case for my pin trading. Instead of buying one, I decided to make my own! This was result! Finished and taken the night before I left for So-Cal. 

I learned about Disney Pin Trading my last trip (before this one) and I am hooked! If you don't know about it, let me explain a bit. Disney sells special pins that can be traded in Disney parks. Most people wear them on lanyards around their necks. Disney park visitors can trade their pins with Disney cast members who hold pins. You just have to keep a look out for the Disney cast member's lanyards. I think that less cast members have lanyards in the summer because it's their busy season. I think it's so that they can keep an eye out better. That is only what I think though. You can also trade with other park guests, but both parties must be in agreement. Trading with cast members is much easier because you can take any pin you want from them and give them any pin you want.

So, here's how I made it. 
Equipment needed: 
  • Empty and Cute CD case.
  • Strap
  • Felt
  • Sewing Needle/Thread
  • Duck Tape
  • Scissors 

1. First cut out a piece of felt big enough to cover one CD slip
See, the felt is folded over the CD Slip
2. Get a piece of dick tape to stick the felt onto the CD slip (on the part nearest to the binding)

3. Sew the sides shut so that the CD slip is no longer showing

4. Continue Steps 1 through 3 on each CD slip. Be careful not to overfill the CD Case as there still needs to be some room for pins. Make sure you can still zip closed the case with the felt covered slips. You may want to leave uncovered slips or to cut them out so that it is not over filled.
For reference, my case originally had 12 slips which I could cover, but I only covered 6 because it became so full.

5. Now you sew on the strap. If your case is made out of a different material you may need to hot glue it in or possibly fabric glue.

6. And finally, you can add your beautiful pins!

I love Cameos and I still want to collect more of this set! According to the back, there are 2 more!

 Belle is my favorite Disney Princess

These are my favorite! They're from the Disney Cruise Line, but I collected them from trading! One day I'll go on a Disney Cruise though!

 7. (Optional) Make a pocket and sew or glue it onto the front inside cover of the case. You can use it to hold extra pin backings or whatever else you want. Let me know if you want instructions on how to make a pocket! You could even decorate the outside of the case if you want! I wanted to add a big bow, but I did not have time before leaving!

If you do not collect pins, you may want it for other uses. If you have brooches, buttons, or other types of pins you can place them in there. I can't think of any more, do you have any ideas?


  1. I love it! Your pin collection is great :)

  2. I wish my DIY skills were as cool as yours!

  3. That's such a good idea. I have a lot of random pins I don't know what to do with nowadays. Thanks for sharing and for stopping by :) I'm now following you too.

    xo Franchesca


  4. This is adorable! I love how you DIY that CD case, you did an amazing job. Plus I love your pins, esp the goofy one.



    PS- enter to win a FREE custom header or nav bar! Details on the blog, contest ends July 24th!

  5. this is by far the most creative (or really just my favorite =P) craft that i've seen you do.
    make one for me XD!!! and then we can use it on the 30th yeah?


Thank you for your comment! I am looking forward to reading it! :]